Tuesday, April 10, 2012

a bucket o' thoughts

1. I really like grocery shopping at 8:30 p.m. There aren't as many buggy wrecks.

2. Sashing a quilt is complicated.

3. There sure were a lot of scrummy desserts at Sewing Day today! I think the lemon bars, angel food cake 'n goo, German chocolate cake, and dewberry cobbler were my favs.....this list also completes the entire selection for some reason.

4. It's Spring.

5. I hardly wore my new caramel-colored winter coat.

6. My weight is no longer a stable 142.5lbs. It is now a scary 150.6 lbs! HOW did that happen?! (please see thought #3 for answer.)

7. My husband was thankful for the gourmet supper I cooked him tonight. Seafood is always a good menu choice! And tuna sandwiches aren't too hard on the grocery budget either.

8. Diesel and Leroy are now dining on Purina Lamb and Rice dogfood. Life gets complicated when your pets eat better than you do.

9. The maid musta been sick today.

10. Daniel is ready for bed and me thinks from the looks of this post that I shoulda been snoozed out a long time ago! Goodnight y'all....


  1. I enjoyed reading your 10 thoughts. You have a way with words! I was talking to Twila yesterday and told her I read your blog and she said to tell you Hi.

    1. tell her a BIG hey from me, too! :) I have done so poorly keeping up....she was on my mind just the other day! What's her email? I'll send her an invite to my blog if she's interested!

  2. Lol at your brain. :) didn't you hear that the dust bunnies strangled the maid to death? ;)

    1. No wonder our house doesn't smell the freshest!!! It's the maid fermenting behind the freezer! lol ;)
