Monday, January 30, 2012

every morning mercies new

Yesterday on my way to church, the song on my heart was "every morning mercies new, fall as fresh as morning dew....every morning let us pay, tribute with the early day! For Thy mercies, Lord, are sure; Thy compassion doth endure." (composed by Greville Philimore and Thomas Hastings) And then, what do you know, that exact song is the first one we sang in the service! I like it when that happens! :)


  1. I love that for you. I just love the good ole Christian Hymnal songs! Tony does too!

  2. mel are you lonesome yet?! :)

  3. I figure as much as they squabble, she's gonna miss him like crazy!! :)

  4. He went to Livingston, CA, for prep class.

  5. Yup I miss him but have been enjoying HALF as much work. HALF the food, HALF the clothes to wash, half as much dirt tracked in, a bed that stays made and no HUGE lunches to pack in the morning.
    A nice break but I do miss him!
