(Disclaimer: My sister Rhonda has been penning a "Mundane Daily" that she posts for us weekly, which inspired me to feebly try to do the same for a week. Hence this post.)
Monday 6-20-22
Woke up feeling “like a hunk ‘a junk” as Danielle would say. Laid around and slept more until I felt like I could manage to get up and get going! Worked around the house and at my desk all morning. Ordered a clock and shower curtain from society6.com with some of my birthday money. Then Danielle and I drove to Canoe Creek to hang out with Tara and Marnita and Peyton. That was like swimming down Memory Lane! I hadn’t been there since being a little girl when Mom would take us to there to meet Aunt Donna and Cheryl! Heated up leftover venison roast and made fresh gravy and instant mashed potatoes. Went out and push-mowed the backyard. Daniel suggested Orange Julius. Enjoyed those before going to bed with the house a wreck and dishes undone.
Tuesday 6-21-22
Woke up feeling fatigued and grumpy again. Researched about low blood sugar in the mornings. Spent lots of time on my phone, lacking energy to tackle the house and looming office work. While doing my long Morning Sit, I wrote up a new Life Plan that I dubbed SIMPLE. Then roused myself up off the couch, took all my vitamins and supplements, drank a bunch of water, ate a nectarine, put my phone up, and hustled. Played a round of the Wild Kratts board game with Danielle. It’s so hot, she only goes out briefly to spend quality time with her chickens or to ride a few rounds on her 4-wheeler. We let the chickens free-range in the backyard all day now. The pet gate has come out of storage to block them from roosting and pooping on the back porch. Danielle set up a nail salon in the living room and gave me a mani-pedi. Snacks were provided and it only cost $90! (of play paper money she had created) Taco Tuesday, so we had ground beef tacos with these amazing flour tortillas, along with cheese dip and chips. Quickly cleaned up the kitchen before going to pick blueberries for the second time this season. Together, Danielle and I gleaned one ice cream bucket full. (It was no longer full by the time we got home.)Then we ran on to Piggly for a few groceries. Got to bed shortly after 10 o’clock AGAIN. Too LATE.
Wednesday 6-22-22
A nice even-numbered day! Immediately upon awakening shortly after 6 o’clock, I ate a square of Ghirardelli dark chocolate with sea salt, and voila! I got up and felt happy instead of foggy; ready to get with it instead of to puke it! Probably just all in my head, but after reading yesterday that people with low blood sugar in the morning should eat something that would hit their bloodstream fast with around 15 grams of sugar, definitely made me want to try it! Proceeded to get my Morning Routine done before 9 o’clock! Did Second Quarter Cleanup in Danielle’s bedroom and some desk work before the Goetter kids arrived around noon. I’d offered to Gwen that I could either keep the kids or help her box stuff up for moving this week, and she took me up on keeping the kids since she had an appointment. The afternoon went swimmingly literally! Most of the day was spent at the Garrett Road Water Park which consisted of a blowup pool, a slip’n’slide, and a water hose gorilla-taped to run water down the play set slide into an old plastic pool! Snacks of pop ice, watermelon wedges, and popcorn were included with admission. Aunt Clarissa picked up the kiddos around 5, and I attempted to make grilled pizza on my own. Usually, this meal is a collaboration of mine and Daniel’s efforts. The egg grill took Exceedingly Long to reach the correct temp, I somehow dumped one pizza that was ready to go out onto the washing machine, and we finally finished eating around 7 o’clock. #fail. But the pizza was delicious! Then Daniel wanted us to ride with him to check a job for dryness. I guess this is the week for going down Memory Lane! It was the property on Morgan Road behind Trent and Kristi’s place. He is working for the timber buyer who is having it logged. They are building up the roads up so the log trucks can get in and out. Being in those woods brought back memories of exploring while pulling a 3 yr old Anthony behind us in the little red wagon, coming out near the Arthur Brown curve during a members meeting tramping session with Monica, and feeling sort of like paleontologists when we would “discover” the old bones of the dead cows Kendall Hiebert had dragged off to lie in peace. Back home, Daniel suggested that we take a quick dip in the pool. Danielle got glow sticks ready and I got us cups of rainbow sherbet with ginger ale. And the mosquitoes got us! Next time I’m gonna have my new tiki torches from Mel with bug repelling fuel just a smoking away before we get in! To bed around 9:30. Much Better!
Thursday 6-23-22
Another happy chocolate morning! Had fun wrapping Roxie’s gift in a Popshelf gift bag with purple ombré tissue paper. Helped Danielle do a thorough Snake Scan before going out back to tend to her chickens. Our neighbors across the road have killed 2 rattlesnakes out their back door this summer already. Daniel definitely put the fear in Danielle to Pay Attention last night. Packed a lunch and met Roxie and kiddos at Kristi’s house. Elena and Lainey rode with us and we were on the road towards Pace at 11:00. So awesome of Mom and Bill to let us have our birthday swim party at their house while they are traveling for the summer! I’m so in love with my green apple wristlet Roxie had Cynthia create for me! Headed home around 4:00 instead of around 3:00. Fired up the fryer and fixed fried deer steak and fried okra for supper along with chilled watermelon and the last of the fresh blueberries. Gotta love a Southern Summer Supper! Danl relaxed while Danielle played with her wooden train set which has been the favorite toy since Jake and Rhett were here. I read some in my book club book and did my Evening Routine. Enjoyed reading the bios on the “Poetry & Whatnot” group I agreed to join today. It’s a mixed group of 15, and has already sparked joy and creativity in my life. Snake Scanned and pushed Danielle on the swing in the dark after the chickens were put to bed. We got to bed decent time again too. #score
Friday 6-24-22
I think this new habit of chocolate in bed before rising is a keeper! Read that Ms. Doherty passed last night in the middle of a prayer. She will be so missed. Today was the last day of Summer Reading at Atmore Library. The young woman biologist who put on an amazing mostly snakes reptile show, was much more at ease with the 4 venomous vipers she brought in than those of us in the audience were! Danielle loved Banana Pudding, the enormous 80 lb. albino boa constrictor. It was also Awards Day, and Danielle was shocked to win one of the 31 prizes! She got a really cool colorful sand art set. Tucked into the Jeep doer handle was thee most adorable t-shirt from Erica Lynn with the saying “June Girls are Sunshine Mixed with a Little Hurricane!” Live Long, My Birthday Month! Lol. From there we met Gene & Karma and kiddos at Buster’s on their last day open. Gonna miss that place, and their pie and pork-chops! Then I ran the “Sweet Little Green Jeep” as Danielle calls her, through Waves for the last time, fueled her up, went through the bank drive through, and dashed in DG. Danielle had gone home with the Swarey’s since the kids were planning to run their profitable lemonade stand again. But alas, it was raining. They swam instead for awhile, and I cut out a dress. Once the rain stopped, the kids went out with their signs and sold like crazy! Living in town definitely has fun perks! Another rain storm, this one with crashing thunder, wind, and lightning brought them scurrying back inside. Karma took me to Atmore Tire to pick up the Audi. Left it at their place and got milk from the dairy on our way home. Dropped Danielle off at home and went to Steve’s Farm for fresh catfish and corn on the cob. Another night of fried food, buts who’s counting?! I read Danielle one of the reptile books she checked out this morning. Also read more bios and poetry that had come in on my poetry chat, while I plugged away at Mt. Dishmore. FaceTimed with Nana, and got to bed shortly after 9:00, since we opted out of going to the housewarming at Anthony and Katie’s.
Doesn’t it just thrill you to know,
At what o’clock to bed we go?!
My brain is now inspired to compose prose.
Saturday 6-25-22
Since the Sweet Jeep needed to go back to Enterprise, Danielle and I headed straight there and Karma and Kinsley drove my car and picked us up. And aggravatingly, I forgot the bottle of peppermint oil that Danielle sniffs when she’s carsick in one of the compartments. Next stop was La Hacienda for a delicious Mexican lunch. Then on to Barnes & Noble to meet local Pensacola author Emily Ley! But unexpectedly, shortly before the book signing was to begin at 1:00, she called to cancel due to testing positive for Covid! So disappointing, but surely she’ll reschedule this event soon. We went next door to Crazy Cazboys and each scored several items worth far more than $7 each! My first Aldi adventure was the next item on our agenda! Wow! This fresh and fun grocery store definitely exceeded my expectations! Culver’s custard with raspberries along with cheese curds hit the spot for a snack on the way home. Gene’s came for pizza, salad, and watermelon for supper. It was still wet from the afternoon rainstorm, but I dried the chairs off and the kids ate on the back porch. We adults relaxed inside and later Karma and I enjoyed cheesecake in the man-cave with the guys. I highly recommend Aldi’s 4th of July blueberry, raspberry, and New York style frozen cheesecake! Danl and Danielle wanted to Diesel to have the delight of sleeping with them in the king size bed, so I approved and moved to Danielle’s room. Stayed up til midnight pittering and puttering around, something I rarely ever do anymore. #yawn
Sunday 6-26-22
I’m still on the Morning Chocolate Train! Fried Aldi applewood smoked bacon and baked canned biscuits for bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits. We actually sat down before the Sunday School song only because I think the song started a freckle late. Taught my Junior class. They are such a joy. I was pleased that we finished the lesson in good time before starting our usual off-topic chatting session today. We declined going with David’s to Lambert’s Cafe in Foley. I don’t think Danl is yet recovered from taking me to Gator’s the night of my birthday! Lol. He’s still not ready to eat out again. Come home from church to a hearty lunch of a whole chicken surrounded by the world’s cutest petite potatoes that Danl had seasoned and baked for us. I typed up the poem that I had mostly composed during church this morning, (People just assume I’m diligently writing sermon notes!) and posted it on my poetry group chat. Around 4 o’clock we went over to Jace and Erica's so the guys could go check the pigs/crops. Since it was too wet to get back there, they went to Piggly and came back with pig to put on the grill! Aka porkchops. Erica and I made tea, fried green tomatoes, and warmed up canned asparagus. Enjoyed the evenings as always along with chocolate dipped ice cream cones from the freezer section.
Another good week has winged its way into the past!
Farewell from the Faircloths!
Some exercise every day
Input real foods
Make a day plan the day before
Pour in 8 glasses of water daily
Listen to my body, planned rest
Eat only one dessert a day