Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hurricane Weather

Today has the somewhat eerie feel of hurricane weather; a touch of the ominous broken by patches of rain, overcast skies, odd bits of sunlight and blue sky, and an almost cooler breeze overtaken by gusts of familiar humidity. It’s like our weather just can’t decide what to do with itself while Hurricane Laura continues to hurtle northward leaving a swath of sadness and devastation in her path. Looking at pictures of the damage gives me flashbacks to Hurricane Ivan. 
So as this day continues to unfold, I pray for courage for my friends in DeRidder, LA, and all those experiencing sadness from this storm. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Creativity in Color

Does color inspire you? Awaken your emotions? I adore color! And the mosaic contests put on Rachel over at are just such a fun way to get the creatives juices flowing! You can only submit 2 entries, but I made 5 because I love to see how closely I can choose fabrics and craft mosaics that match the inspiration pictures she posts. If you are inspired, cast your vote for the one that speaks to you! You may notice several familiar names amongst the finalists! šŸ˜‰

So we shall see who wins! Voting ends tonight at 12 midnight PST.