Sunday, July 5, 2020

Happy Birthday, America!

We celebrated our freedom and the founding of this amazing country by having a couple friends over to eat grilled ribeye and chuckeye steaks, 
a Solomon watermelon, 
Steve’s Farm sweet corn, homemade pickles, fresh-baked pillowy rolls with local mayhaw jelly, and cheesecake with blueberry sauce. Then we had some redneck fun with a lighthearted throwing knife competition before riding our UTVs all over the countryside. It was a good day, with the best ending. 
Thankfully, Poarch did not cancel their fireworks show due to the mounting local Covid cases! If everyone did like us and took social distancing to the extreme, no shows anywhere would have needed to be canceled! Lol. We left the house at 8, drove north, quickly got tucked away in an extremely secluded private spot, and settled in to wait for 9 o’clock. Just us, hungry mosquitoes, endless rows of cotton, and silhouettes of trees black against the Wind Creek Casino skyline. At last, the sky lit up and and Danielle’s mouth fell open! Hearing her commentary was almost as good as the show!
 “A’credible! Just a’credble!” 
God bless us, and God bless the USA! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Fly High, JULY!

Fly high, July! 
Don’t let us down. 
Not too wet or too dry
Give us no reason to frown! 

Fly high, July!
Send the ‘rona away!
Make Covid cry
And not come back another day! 

Fly high, July! 
Keep America Strong. 
Don’t ask why, 
Just sing freedom’s song! 

Fly high, July! 
We’re in this together. 
God, and you, and I
Anything can weather. 
