Just we three, Daniel and Danielle and me.
This was how life was 4 years at 6:28 p.m. and that's how it was today due to the social distancing necessary for now. Our life as we knew it took a drastic change for the better on March 20, 2016, with the addition of our little princess, Danielle Nicole! Fast forward 4 years, and due to Covid-19, all of our lives have taken another drastic change. For the better or for the worse, will be up to us in my opinion! This is history in the making, and I want to be able to look back and be proud of my actions and attitudes. It affects us all in some way big or small, from those losing family members to the four year olds with postponed birthday parties who won't be able to attend Sunday School the first Sunday they are four.
With childlike acceptance and consideration of others, Danielle was happy to tell her friends and family that her birthday party would be be later because, "The whole world doesn't want to get the "b"irus." Bless her heart!
We woke Danielle up early to open her four presents, mostly wrapped in green trimmings and trappings! (If you don't catch on by the end of this post that GREEN is her favorite color, please reread lol.) She was delighted with her green remote control monster truck that she promptly named "Thunder." The lime green flip flops, dark green sunglasses, green/blue bath bomb, grow-in-water dachshund, bug-catching kit, and Lisa Frank calendar also got rave reviews! I think Daddy was as eager to try out the monster truck as daughter was. Our dewy yard was soon covered in tracks, and Thunder was covered in dirt and grass clippings!
As the day continued; happy video calls, messages, and GIFs poured in. 7 caterpillars were re-homed into a clear plastic cage with a built-in magnifier. Our living room was bedazzled with balloons taped randomly to the walls, streamers running from the fan to the four corners, and a happy birthday banner draped on the curtain rod. Funfetti cupcakes were baked, frosted with greenish frosting, and plastered with sprinkles. (A certain little chef got quite frosted also.) Presents from Aunt Rhonda, Uncle Wade, Jacob, and Neil were deposited on our front porch with no human contact. Feverish unwrapping ensued, the lava lamp was immediately plugged in, the craft kit splayed colorfully across the floor, and the new hot pink gingham dress was nonchalantly cast aside only to be lovingly and gratefully plucked up by Mommy. Fried deer meat was devoured, along with green beans and Cutie oranges. A 4 candle was lit, Happy Birthday was sung, and faces were stuffed with cake and cookies 'n cream ice cream. Chocolate milk was drunk, favorite stories (Red Fish, Blue Fish & Wiggle) were read, prayers were said, and all but one went to bed.
Life goes on, and life is good; just we three - Daniel, and Danielle, and me.