Happy December!
The Christmas Season began yesterday for me. Since we were ill over Thanksgiving and just now are feeling mostly back to normal, it felt like those days were like Black Week instead of Black Friday! The experience of having our whole little household all under the weather at once left me completely undone physically and emotionally! Normal, daily life and health are more precious than ever now...
This pics are the ones that inspired me for my December avatars and yesterdays status...I love WhatsApp statuses and the connectivity and impromptu chats that result with my friends and family, but sometimes I get irked at myself, because posting current statuses squelches my need and desire to blog! And the bad thing about that is, WhatsApp statuses are fleeting and soon gone, while blogging is a forever diary!

I haven't put out any Christmas decor yet... and my cinema box still says,
I did get out Danielle's Melissa & Doug snowman stacker and her Little People Nativity yesterday evening. She has been so enraptured with both since she hasn't played with them since last Christmas.

This Nativity is adorable! When you press down on the angel, the star lights up and it sings Away in a Manger.

Well, even though I have so much more I could and would like to write, I have wedding cake to make! Suzanna Hiebert & Reuben Koehn will tie their knot tomorrow...and I wish very badly to witness their vows while wearing a new emerald frock.
That means I must become a Desperate Seamstress before the day is over too!