I have had this picture as my phone lock screen for months....and the poignancy of it strikes me so often.
Sometimes amidst the hurry and scurry to do it all, make it all, buy it all, and have it all...it hits me that I already do! I've almost blogged about this vast subject different times, but for one reason or another, the words never made it onto my screen. They did make it onto my lovely LED light box which is a super favorite birthday gift from my friend Moni! #nailedit
Last night was one of those times that stopped me in my turbulent tracks. Danl decided to cut some of our grass before it needed to be baled for hay, and of course Danielle was more than happy to help! I was inside bustling about trying to take advantage of the opportunity to straighten things up a bit without a little Taby underfoot. I purposefully strode out to deposit a bag of trash in the dumpster when I noticed Danl waving at me to watch Danielle. He was letting her push the handles of the lawnmower, and she was beyond ecstatic to be in control; shrieking with happiness and grinning as wide as a one year old can can grin as they zigzagged crazily across the lawn! As I stood waving and gazing at them, witnessing the magic of their daddy/daughter mowing session, I consciously thought, "My heart could not be more full. Life does not get better than moments like this. Thank you, God."
And I realized anew that truly, even though my "to-do" list would vehemently deny it, I had it all.
All the things I was gonna get done lost their importance, and I climbed onto the gooseneck and just sat and breathed and watched them mow as the sunlight faded and the stars came out. And these lyrics that I've always loved played over and over in my mind...
Life Is Beautiful
by the Afters
Through the window
I see you waiting
You are smiling
Cause I'm coming
Your eyes are a story
An ocean of memories
Pictures of faces and places
And all of the things
That make us feel like we have it all
All of the times
That make us realize
We have it all
Life is beautiful
Living and dying
Laughing or crying
If we have the whole world or have nothing
I know there are long nights
But we'll make it
With every sunrise comes a new light
And all of the things
That make us feel like we have it all
All of the times
That make us realize
We have it all
You are smiling
Cause I'm coming
Your eyes are a story
An ocean of memories
Pictures of faces and places
And all of the things
That make us feel like we have it all
All of the times
That make us realize
We have it all
Life is beautiful
Living and dying
Laughing or crying
If we have the whole world or have nothing
I know there are long nights
But we'll make it
With every sunrise comes a new light
And all of the things
That make us feel like we have it all
All of the times
That make us realize
We have it all
Life is beautiful
A father's love
A wedding dance
New Year's dreams
A toast with friends
A soldier coming home from war
The faith, the hope of so much more
A brand new life
A mother's prayer
Shooting stars
Ocean air
A lover's kiss
And hard goodbyes
Christmas lights
These are things that make us feel alive
These are the times that make us realize
Life is beautiful

This week holds it all too...
Yesterday morning a wedding; a dream came true for Curtis & Janelle! I was privileged to have taught them both (#feelingold!) and could not be happier for their happiness!
Yesterday evening a passing; my Great Uncle Ward laid his armor down in his courageous battle against cancer. His life was the enthusiastic embodiment of the words vim and vigor! I will miss him so much. Visiting Oakwood won't be the same without his contagious zeal and positive attitude.
And so life goes on, and the magic fades away...but then is suddenly there again, startling us to take notice of the normal, because it is so precious and we don't deserve it. It is a gift.
I love that my little cinema box is currently reminding me of this
every time I glance up and read these words: