OK, I'll confess right away! Sometimes I'm not writing sermon notes in my church notebook; I'm writing five sense poems like the one below! But one must take advantage of inspiration when it strikes, lest it leave! Right?! :)
Sunday mornings are soft, settled, peaceful...
No phones ringing or dinging,
No agendas pressing, no to-do lists looming;
Just the privilege of sitting for longer than 15 minutes!
Sunday mornings look spiffy, clean, respectful.
Slicked-down hair crispy with hairspray...
Attentive faces turned toward the speaker.
Sleepy children snoozing on warm laps and bony shoulders.
Sunday mornings sound like old-fashioned gospel singing.
Hymns with meaning soothing the soul...
The Word falling gently down, hopefully landing on soft ground.
Powerful prayers pleading for our infirmities; stomachs rumbling soft and low, ready for roast!
Sunday mornings smell like perfume
Mingling, clashing, blending -
Uniting in a single aroma of women who want to be beautiful inside and out.
Faint hints of hearty breakfasts or the browned pot roast cling about.
Sunday mornings taste like mints,
Fresh and revitalizing.
Hall's cherry cough drops, strong and soothing
Any disturbance must be muffled.
Sunday mornings feel so right, so solid.
"God, thank you for blessing me,
For inspiring me to walk with You.
Thank you for giving me these priceless Sunday mornings."